In Norway we have a saying: ”hidden, but not forgotten” meaning that we shall not speak unnecessary about thing that happened during the war, but we shall learn from them. Now we must ask: Have we learned from them.
“Da byen ble stille” written by Henrik Broberg is scheduled to be published summer 2014 but you can support the project by pre-ordering it here. ***via email? or through the publisher? ***synopsis should go here?
The documentary “Da byen ble stille” will be available on DVD summer 2014. If you would like to reserve a copy of the film now please send an email to john@jabfilm.no
As well as pre-ordering the book and DVD you can also support the project by donating to our Kickstarter/Indiegogo campaign. All donations are greatly appreciated and will help us complete our goal of “breaking the silence”. By donating via our Kickstarter* page you will also be elligable to recieve a copy of the DVD and/or book.
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