In memory of Tromsø’s jewish community, six groups of “stumbling stones” were laid in the pavements of Tromsø in 2014, near the homes of those who were exterminated. German artist Gunter Demnigs has layed 30,000 “stumbling stones” “snublesteiner” over europe since 2004.
The stones were lain to commemorate the following people:
Daniel Conrad, Solly and Hertze Caplan. Stones laid down at Strand Gate 34 (formerly London-Bazaar).
Sellik, Rebekah and Ruth Sakolsky. Stones laid down at Strandgata 36 (formerly Tromsø Blouses A/S).
Meyer Leib, Pink, Salomon and Eva Shotland. Stones laid down at Kirkegata 10 (formerly Apparel Magazine A/S).
Moritz Klein. Stone laid down at Storgata 62 (formerly J. Klein Blouses and Apparel Industries).
Herman Smith. Stone laid down at Jaklin Plass (formerly H. Smith Shirts and Blouses in Buresundgården Bispegata 1).
Zemack Resnick. Stone laid down by Skolegata 9 where he lived at the guest house and ran his businesses.
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Read about the artist and his work: